Divine Rewards of Spiritual Visitation without Visitation

Sitara Gull
6 min readNov 3, 2021


Every Muslim in this universe knows quite well about the significance and superiority of the Islamic pilgrimages of Hajj and Umrah. Therefore, millions of well-off and able bodied Muslims strive to en route their twin holiest cities of Makkah and Madinah to complete these splendid religious rituals.

The beatific view of the Grand Kaaba Square is the heartiest desire of every Muslim across the globe. However, indeed, it is the Supreme Call from the Almighty Creator. Allah (SWT) calls to his Holiest home whoever he wills. So where many Chosen Muslims feast themselves with the spiritual Kaaba showers, there are several other desirous Muslims who couldn’t or cannot have access to Allah(SWT)’s land.

Umrah Ban and its Disturbance

With the growing threats of the Corona Virus outbreak, the Saudi Kingdom has put a temporary ban on Umrah itinerary. This Umrah ban though temporary, has created confusions and worries among millions of Umrah intenders who were all set to set out on their spiritual voyage. Among these Million Muslims, there are many first timers who were excited to experience the spiritual spell of the Holiest place on earth.

Islam- Beyond Just Pilgrimages

Be mindful that Allah (SWT)’s clemency is beyond the horizons of worshipping and pilgrimages. He (SWT) bestows his countless blessings and rewards on whomever performs a minute virtuous deed. So being a Haji or Umrah pilgrim is not an only criterion of superiority before Allah’s eyes.

The religious pilgrimages are not the sole way to reach at the finality of goodness and contention. The religious itineraries purport to strength the belief, patience and perseverance within a person. The sole purpose of these two grand itineraries is to make you a better person with utmost devotion towards the virtuous path of Allah (SWT).

These outstanding human qualities don’t necessarily need the tag of Haji or Umrah performer. Allah (SWT)’s Clemency supersedes the love of 70 mothers. His Might never leave anyone empty-handed.

Everything Happens for Our Greater Good

Being a Muslim we must stick ourselves with a staunch blind faith that Allah (SWT) is all-mightiest and all-controller of each and everything. Each and everything revolves around his sole order and will. He is the bestest planner who plans the best for you. So if you are unable to fulfill your religious itinerary or cannot make it to go, then don’t worry. Because you go there only to get the pleasure and will of your Almighty Allah (SWT). And indeed there are several other ways to please and seek the will of Allah (SWT).

Furthermore, there are some remarkably virtuous deeds which carry the rewards of Hajj and Umrah.

If you make them an inseparable part of your everyday life, you would everyday get the rewards of the significant Islamic pilgrimages without even actually going there.

So following are the virtuous deeds which surely carry the rewards of Hajj and Umrah according to the teaching of the glorious Quran and the holiest beloved Prophet (SAW)

Performing your Obligatory Prayers in Congregation

Everyone is equal in the divinely eyes of Allah (SWT). He doesn’t judge a person on the basis of his/her skin color, gender money and status. The spiritual superiority of a person lies in the level of piety.

Whether you are poor or rich you are the same before your Creator. This is what our Holiest Prophet (SAW) has all the time taught us.

During Prophet’s (SAW) time his companions who couldn’t embark on their spiritual pilgrimages became worried so they used to discuss this matter to him. So on this the Prophet Mohammad (SAW) replied, “Has Allah not rendered for you the Isha prayer in congregation equal to Hajj, and the Fajr prayer in congregation equal to Umrah?” [Muslim]

So there is no need to worry about impossibility or difficulty of your Hajj or Umrah itinerary. Because it is the super easy way to get the rewards of your much longed religious itineraries.

Reciting Dhikr After 5 Time Prayers

When the Prophet (SAW)’s companions complained to him that the Rich people are more pious in terms of charity and religious tours. Because they would get more rewards from Allah (SWT) than the poor fellows. The Holiest Prophet (SAW) declined this view by saying Shall I not tell you something upon which if you acted you would catch up with those who have surpassed you? Nobody would surpass you and you would be better than the people amongst whom you live except those who would do the same. Say Subhaan Allaah Alhamdulillaah and Allaahu Akbar thirty-three times each after every (compulsory) prayer.” [Al-Bukhaari]

So reciting this wonderful Dhikr would surely bestow you with the rewards equal to Hajj and Umrah

Offering Fajar Prayer with Congregation and Remained Seated worshipping until Sunrise

The morning and the night Prayer holds immense significance in the life of Muslims. Offering a 5-Time prayer with the truest devotional heart is the source of Allah’s utmost will and pleasure. Among these 5 time prayers, the Fajar Prayer stands supreme in Holy Prophet (SAW)’s eyes. This Prayer truly makes our whole day spiritually blissful.

The offering of Fajar Prayer with congregation gives you the rewards equal to Hajj and Umrah. This welcoming truth is confirmed by none other than the truest Holy Prophet (SAW). According to him

“He who performs Fajr Salat with Jamaat and remains seated in the same place while engaging in Dhikr until after sunrise and thereafter performs 2 Rakaats Nafil Salat, (Ishraaq), he will obtain the Thawaab of one Hajj and one Umrah “(Tirmidhi).

Observing the 10 days of I’tikaf

Ramadan is the most commemorated and Holiest month of Islam. It is the time of immeasurable blessings of Allah (SWT). It is an unprecedented source of a blissful escape from sins and evils. In this holiest month, Allah (SWT) closes the door of Hell and imprisons Satan. Any minute good deed becomes a source of multiplied rewards and blessings.

In the whole Ramadan time, the last ten days of Ramadan is the most blessed time in which the God-fearing Muslims immerse themselves in Ibadahs, prayers and Dhikr. Millions of them observe Itikaf (religious seclusion) in these last Divinely nights of Ramadan.

The rewards of Itikaf surely equal the rewards got from Hajj and Umrah. In this regard, the Holiest Prophet (SAW) said that He who observes the ten days Itikaf during Ramadhan will obtain the reward of two Hajj & two Umrah. (Bayhaqi)

Offering the Eid Prayers

An Eid is the Muslim religious festival which is celebrated by all the Muslims across the globe with an utmost zeal and zest. The Muslims start their Eid Day by offering the special Eid Prayer with congregation ( Jamaat) in Masjids and specially arranged Prayer places.

The holy Prophet (SAW) said “The reward for attending ‘Id Al-Fitr prayer is equal to the reward of performing ‘Umrah and the reward for attending ‘Id Al-Adha Prayer is equal to that of performing Hajj.” [Lata’if al-Ma’arif]

Moreover, the Holiest Prophet (SAW) loved to attend the Eid Prayers with utmost happiness and gratitude.


So strive to get the closeness of Allah (SWT) wherever you are with all the possible ways taught by Allah and his beloved Messenger Holy Prophet (SAW). The Sole Purpose of Your Life is nothing but to tread on the soothing Path of Allah (SWT)


This Content is about how to get the Divine Rewards of A Spiritual Visitation without actually going for it. What are the Holiest acts that carry the equal rewards of Hajj and Umrah. Because Allah judges a person on his piety not on the number of pilgrimages he undertakes



Sitara Gull
Sitara Gull

Written by Sitara Gull

I am Sitara Gul, born Muslim, right now living in United Kingdom. My love for Islam is from childhood, I don't see it as a religion but the way of my life.

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