Some Common Umrah Myths and Misconceptions
The Islamic rituals of Hajj and Umrah hold immense significance in Muslims. The heart of every Muslim beats with the utmost desire to feast his/her eyes with the soulful sight of the Holy Kaaba. Millions of well-off God fearers strive to land on the holiest place on earth at least once in their lifetime. The pious Muslims there perform prayers and supplications with the tears of forgiveness.
However, in order to have an ideal and ever memorable spiritual experience, lots of God-fearing Muslims long for the favorable time. It is because the summers of Arabia are very hot and exhaustive. So they tend to plan their soothing Umrah journey in the wintry December nights through cheap or affordable December Umrah Packages. They go for every best possible ways to spend a super soothing spiritual time in the soulful land of Makkah.
Common Mistakes with Prevailed Misconceptions
However, I would like to discuss some common misconceptions the Muslims have about their religious itineraries. I would also suggest avoiding them in future.
Your Dua gets accepted at the very first glance of Kaaba
It is a popular misconception prevalent among the Muslims. Many people say that whatever you seek after your very first glance of Kaaba you are granted at once. Be mindful that this conception is not supported in Islamic text of Quran or Sunnah.
Emulate the Black Stone Kissing from far away is Must
Some pilgrims believe that the kissing of Black Stone Hajar e Aswad is undeniably mandatory during Hajj and Umrah. Some believers also start sending kisses from far away the Black stone if they find that it inaccessible.
However, the proper research reveals this conception as utterly false. Although the Kissing of Black Stone is the beautiful Sunnah of the Holy Prophet (SAW), but this act is not mandatory at all.
So it’s okay if you can’t reach the Black Stone. Perform circumambulation (Tawaf) in the direction of this Black Stone, if you can’t reach it.
Shouting out Prayers in Unison is Must
It is another misconception about the Islamic pilgrimages of Hajj and Umrah. It is neither supported in Quran nor by Holy Prophet (SAW).
There are many pilgrims who start reciting their Prayers loudly while performing Tawaf. Some pilgrims also follow their own leaders or Imams during their spiritual rituals. All these things create confusion for many other God-Fearers who don’t follow this misconception.
Instead of all this, you must make your own individual list of duas and prayers and read them before Kaaba in lower voice. You must make sure not to disturb your fellow pilgrims.
Wiping or Touching the Kaaba is Must
Some pilgrims call the touching, kissing or wiping the Kaaba as a compulsory thing and a matter of great good luck and spirituality. Many people after rub their hands on Kaaba cloth and then run the same hand on all over their body.
However, no evidence of this act is present in Islamic text of Quran, Sunnah and Shariah.
So it is emphatically advised not to do these acts during any of your spiritual itinerary.
Calling Jamarat as Devil
While stoning at Jamarat the pilgrims think that they are cursing Satan ( Iblees). But it is not true. As Satan Iblees is not imprisoned there. It is just a part of their ritual that they perform to please Allah ( SWT)
Doing Self Haircut after Saee is valid
Many pilgims after the ritual completion tend to cut some or 2, 3 hairs themselves. However, it is not a proper way of ending your Umrah or Hajj.
Instead of this, you must go to the Barber and ask him to cut your hair properly.
Visiting Medinah is inevitable
It is another popular misconception regarding the spiritual visitation. Your Medinah visit is not a part of your Hajj ritual. You visit there only to experience the spiritual splendors of the place